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From Enel X to EOS Linx: A Seamless Transition

Dedicated to supporting EV Charging Customers in the U.S.

Priority Program for Enel X Customers

Given the recent disruption caused by Enel X’s shutdown, EOS has a unique opportunity to aid those who are powerless. We now have a priority program for Enel X Customers. By prioritizing former Enel X customers, EOS is demonstrating its commitment to customer satisfaction and loyalty. This priority program offers the following benefits.

Personalized Support

Former Enel X customers receive 1:1 consultations with dedicated EOS representatives to discuss their specific needs and find the best charging solution. EOS also offers comprehensive after-sales support to ensure satisfaction.

Priority Installation

EOS will prioritize the installation of new systems for former Enel X customers, ensuring a swift and efficient transition.

Tailored Solutions

EOS will work closely with customers to understand their unique requirements and provide customized recommendations.

Seamless Integration

EOS will assist customers in integrating their new charging systems seamlessly into their existing infrastructure while keeping all functionality.

By prioritizing former Enel X customers, we hope to provide a completely new experience, one that is hassle-free, supportive, and won’t eventually shut off leaving you stranded.

Solutions EOS can Provide

Client Consultation

1:1 Consultation and Supportive Services

EOS is here to provide you with 1:1 personalized assistance to get your EV chargers up and running to their FULL CAPACITY.

  • Our consultants provide tailored guidance for individual needs and circumstances.
  • These consultants have in-depth knowledge that will address and overcome any challenges Enel X owner's may be facing.
  • One-on-one consultations allow for focused discussions where issues can be addressed directly and efficiently.
Chip Software

Migrate to EOS Software

Your existing charging hardware is compatible with the EOS advanced software platform, and we can easily migrate it over. This allows you to benefit from the latest features and capabilities while maintaining your existing infrastructure.

  • EOS’ White Label program will provide you with an agnostic solution that immediately makes your chargers functional and accessible with just a touch.
  • EOS has always had a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) option available and Enel X chargers are included in our compatible devices.
  • Depending on your specific model and functionality our Support Staff will assist you in connecting your charger to the EOS software platform.
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Convert to EOS Chargers

For a complete upgrade, EOS offers a wide range of high-quality charging stations to suit your needs. Our team can help you select the right solution and ensure a smooth and quick installation process.

  • Enhanced Features: EOS chargers offer a wider range of features compared to Enel X, including energy management, remote monitoring and more!
  • Reliability and Durability: EOS is committed to providing high-quality, durable charging solutions that are built to last. Our chargers are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions and provide reliable performance over time. We are based out of the US so our future is free of shutdowns or US pull outs.
  • Seamless Integration: EOS offers a variety of charging options to suit your needs, from home chargers to commercial installations. Our team can help you select the right solution and ensure a smooth integration process.

Join Our Priority Program Today

EOS' priority program aims to be the solution for customers who were affected by the Enel X shutdown. This program includes personalized support, priority installation, tailored solutions, seamless integration and ongoing assistance. EOS aims to provide a hassle-free and supportive experience for former Enel X customers that were left powerless. Please complete the following form so our esteemed team members can get in touch with you ASAP!